on 14.11.2024 – Supply Chain Excellence
“Efficiency, transparency and digitalization – success factors in logistics optimization”
The merger united three companies under one brand. The quality of facilities and services is closely linked to the safety and protection of people. This is why first-class products as well as professional and transparent logistics are of great importance.
We transform business and logistics processes from planning to implementation. We maximize organizational performance and process efficiency.
As part of a comprehensive analysis, logistics was examined in the areas of organization, processes and IT . In workshops with the customer, we identified the areas of action with the greatest potential for increasing efficiency and productivity and developed specific measures with milestones and cost plans in order to create a new, holistic logistics concept.
We present the results of this project live in our IMPULSE SESSION.
Start: 14.00 hrs
- Greeting
- Presentation Supply Chain Excellence
- Presentation of the project: initial situation, methodology, procedure, results
- Discussion and questions
End: 15.00 hrs

Uwe Schäfer
Associated Partner
Head of Supply Chain Excellence